In my work I blend Art ~ Architecture ~ Science  ~  Philosophy, aiming to foster unity across our fragmented culture, a unity that is critically important.  My focus lies particularly in Didactics of Creative Learning and Technology.

Marcel Moonen 
M9, 8606 Greifensee (ZH)

© All rights reserved

Artistic subdomain

Super Abstraction

Part I

Dimensional Design Theory

the mechanics of creativity
Credited Theories

Book Ed. 1

General Principles + Logic Proof


DD Abstract

DD Logic Proof

{Theo van Doesburg} : Intro into DD

Dimensional Design Theory {Memes}

Abstract : Reality [Shadowplay]

Prismatic Thinking

Ax. I Abstract : Reality [Duchampian Chess]

Ax. II {Bohm} : The Future of Creativity

Ax. III Holographic Puzzling

Part II

Generative Designer Tools

Integrating AI into the Repertoire of the Designer


Transforming Abstract Drawings into Generated Architectonic Constructions

Terms of Usage: Multidimensional, Prompt Playing, Looping Problems, Purifiers, latent spacesdeep learning models, generative process, diffusion, biases in datasets, compilations, transformers, infinite possibilities, curation, originality.

Papers and Upcoming Papers

Part II Abstract

About #GDT

(1) Compositional Affects in Generated Images: An Examination

(2) Morphological Transformers: Automatic Drawing into Synthesised Visual Representations

(3) Metamorphic Models: Curated from a Sampling Set of Personalized Generations.

(4) Reflecting on an Alternative Kind of Exploratory Exercises for Spatial Form-Finding

Part III 

Human Intelligence Networks

Collective Invention
Terms of Usage: NPCs, Time ~ Binder, Mazes, Systems of Dimensional Hierarchies, Big Data Visualization

Upcoming Papers

3D: Galatea, or the Re-structuring & Visualizing of Big Data Image Libraries 

DD8: Systems of Dimensional Hierarchy

DD9: Using the Web, A Memory-Extension

DD [~]: The Time Binder

DD 10: Socrates School [Concrete Design Prototyping]

Dimensional Design Theory
Paloma and her Cat
Analog Men
The Man without Shadow
SA Volume 5th Dimension
SA Volume IV INC Series
SA Volume III Hypermodernism
SA Volume II Autoreferential Works
SA Volume I Constructive Readymades
SA Volume -I Atari Revisited
Abstract : Reality [Language] Excerpt I & II
Erasing Time
Erasing Non-Places

Abstract : Reality [Scrapbook]
Abstract : Reality [Language]

Moonen and M. (self-portrait)
Tonight's fight! Van Doesburg vs J.T.G.
Abstract : Reality [Duchampian Chess]
Abstract Reality : [A. Hitler]
Library (pt. 1)
Zagorette Maximilian Yportne

Catalogue raisonné, Julien Dinou

Released Papers, Essays and Short Stories
IT 8: Constant “The City without a Plan”
IT VII: Parallel-Space-Structure; 21st Mental-Maze
IT 06: AI & Art, Idea-Set-Match
Doorman (pt. 5)
Robot (pt. 4)
IT 05: Picture-in-Picture explained
IT 04: Boogie Woogie, on chance and perception
Life of Code
Garden (pt. 3)
Erasing Time
Prismatic Thinking
Dimensional Design Theory
Hanns Schwarzmaier; Every flower is a gift
Paul Charlemagne; Cubism without Style
M1 [§] : Dürer's monistic masterpiece
End of the line (scientific research)
IT: Cross the Door of Imagination™
Illusion : Reality
IT ~ [Y] : Subversion
I - [T] : Holographic Puzzling

Abstract : Reality [Shadowplay]
IT 02 - Abstract Reality : [A. Hitler]
IT 01: Virus Propagation through Pilot Wave Theory
New Order in Society
Letter from №7
VDH; Spiritual use of color in Architecture
Tonight's fight! Van Doesburg vs J.T.G.
{Bohm} : The Future of Creativity
Abstract : Reality [Duchampian Chess]
Uniformity in Contemporary Design
House without Quality
Camping (pt. 2)
Mirage Buildings; obsession reflection
Jan Verhoeven; Forgotten Legacy
Jan Verhoeven; Vergeten Nalatenschap (NL) [DE]
Library (pt. 1)
Hansegger : A Question of Style
{Theo van Doesburg} : Dimensional Design
Eladio Dieste, and the curvature of a brick
Julien Dinou; Constructing Expressionism
Super Abstraction [Abstract]
Zagorette Maximilian Yportne
Super Abstraction, an interview with 1BIT©
A Contribution to Statistics
The high cost of Paradigms
Text based adventures {ongoing}
Hypermodernism and the jump into Super Abstraction
Red Book

Future Papers and Essays
FLW: Prototyping Guggenheim
Studying Art: Vision Approach
(Rembrandt., De Kooning, et. al)
Grid transformers with Torres-García
{Adya} : Van Rees
Reptiles {M. C. Escher}
F. Gehr: Red Face {Roter Kopf}
Charles Biederman [working title]
Newton's alchemical processes (2034)
Bach and the sound of the universe (2035)

Abstract : Reality [Presentations with text on slides]
Abstract : Reality (Rosebud)
Abstract : Reality (Orange)
Abstract : Reality (Chess)
Abstract : Reality (Lelystad)

2024 Anonym. Drawings, Kunstr. Kreuzberg, Berlin
2024 Fragments, Isolart Gallery, Florence (IT)
2024 CICA, Fake is Real exhibit, Gimpo, Korea
2024 CAHIER d'images, publication, Luxembourg
2024 Metamorphosis, Loosen Art, Rome
2023 Future Vision Festival Tokyo & Amsterdam
2023 LISALUNA Kurzfilmfestival 23, Duisburg
2023 DD Book Presentation, Kyoto (JP)
2023 PIF Part 2, Stratford (CA)
2023 Dimensional Design Theory @ TU Berlin
2023 Fu:Bar Glitch Festival, Mama Zagreb, Croatia
2023 CICA Museum, Cercle exhibit, Gimpo, Korea
2023 MAX3MIN, short film festival, Cineteca Milan
2023 George Town Festival, Penang, Malaysia
2023 Forgotten Places, Loosen Art, Rome
2023 Short Stop, winner web short, Romania
2023 La Grande Vitrine, Rencontres d'Arles, France
2023 AI Combinatorial Art Exhibition, Bristol, UK
2023 Provocation Ideas Festival, Toronto (CA)
2023 Galerie 111, One Man Show, Zurich
2022 Interference at Resort Komedii, Warsaw
2021 Group exhibition, A.-Space, Lausanne
2020 Triple-A, Hundart, with Czerwinski, Warsaw
2020 Julien Dinou Catalogue raisonné
2022 Analog Men, Zentralbibliothek Zurich (ZB)
2021 Reset Guestbook, Zurich
2020 Superabstraction @ Google BeDe
2020 A : R[D. Chess] published on Parrhesiastes
2019 Imaginational Theory, introduction papers
2018 Found Super Abstraction
2018 Various presentations Abstract : Reality, Paris
2018 Selected Residence Van Doesburghuis, Paris
2017 Architecture Photography Award 2017, finalist
2016 Giardini in Silence collaboration with RAAAF
2015 Exhibition Erasing Non-Places, Lelystad
2015 Guest lecturer (Performance) WXCA, Warsaw
2014 Speaker Fundamentals, Venice Biennale
2014 Premio Riccardo Prina, Triennale di Milano
2014 Future of Craftsmanship, Venice Biennale
2014 Guest lecturer at Politecnico di Milano
2014 Post-Processing, Highcare Projects
2014 Selected for Copenhagen Photo Festival
2014 MAK - Los Angeles. Place 3 out of 264 entries
2014 Damprize, Provincia di Milano
2014 Pool of flowers, Milan
2013 Siobhan Davies Dance, Found Choreography
2013 Berliner Liste, during the Berlin Art Week
2013 Europan 2nd place

Worked and/or lived in Madrid, Brussels, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Maastricht, Lelystad, Berlin, Milan, Paris, Aarau, and Zurich. Longer visits to Extremadura, Warsaw, Uruguay.

Dutch, English, German, Spanish

Current: PhD researcher,  Design Based Doctorate, TU Berlin

MSc Cum Laude, in Architecture, Theory & Urban Culture, University of Technology, Eindhoven [Thesis]
ETSAM (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid) Erasmus exchange