I — [T] : Holographic Puzzling
Dimensional Design Theory; this transcripts on the leading edge of knowledge, art, and discovery with the journalist ~ psychologist M >Y> and the fiction ~ science-fiction writer M 3> [Talbot]. This III-fold page is inserted before we can start with the upcoming chapter IT 03: Systems of Dimensional Hierarchy.
Disclaimer: This essay is non-linear structured to incorporate multiple perspectives. Using an ancient Tibetan practise, we will find the many thought-entanglements found in modern-highly-scientifically-oriented society.
It’s only when we get aware of these existing thought patterns we can start to formulate and eventually solve these dilemma’s; a new clear perspective arises. An introduction into the structural-method used in this essay can be found in {Bohm} : The Future of Creativity.
Grade difficulty: high
Puzzle level: extremely difficultm

M >3>: Hello and welcome! I’m M ❤.
Today we’re going to explore the holographic model of reality and its implications for ourselves, our bodies, being in the world around us.
With me today is [T], author of several books, including Mysticism & New Physics; beyond quantum, your past lives, and most recently the holographic universe, as well as mind-novels {Library, Camping, Garden, Robot & Doorman }
M: Welcome T.
Bot: Thank You J., you can call me by my first name M. if you like. It’s a pleasure to be with you.
J: Nice to be with you.
Light ~ Record
You know, one of the things that you point out in the holographic universe is that this is a model that’s been around now for a few decades {millennia}, but is really beginning to show its power in explaining many, many areas of personal experience and science @ the same time.
J ~ M: Can we talk a little bit about how the model is developed?
T | M: Sure.
It was developed by 2 {III} Homers

I British physicist named D., who was a performance-protégé [P-P] of Einstein.
II American neurophysiologist C.P., studying memory, who found scientific evidence that the brain operates in holographic manner.
Bone was studying subatomic physics and found that at the subatomic level, the fabric of reality seems to possess properties that are reminiscent of a hologram.
T [III]: So, when we put those two ideas together.

I Our brain as holographic.
II The universe is holographic.
Not that it’s literally a hologram, but that it’s a good metaphor. A way of understanding the universe.
M: When you say it’s holographic, what do we really mean?
T: In a nutshell, the image of reality may be more plastic and changeable than the solid construct of sticks & stones world we directly observe.
It has a couple of other implications; one such thing is the unusual property of a hologram. If you take a piece of photographic film that has a holographic image encoded in it, you cannot see that image with your naked eye.

You must reconstruct the image and shine a laser through it. If you have an image of a Rose in the film, shine a laser through the rose, you will get a 3D image of the rose.

The other side is: You cut that film in pieces and your laser true{through} to one of the scrambled pieces, you’ll still get an image of the whole rose. In each piece you’ll find an image of the rose. Not as clear as the complete film, but it’s still there. This is a very unusual property and sort of boggles the imagination at first. Cut the rose in 4, you’ll get 4 roses, cut it in 8, you’ll get 8 roses.
“Cut the Rose in n pieces, you’ll get {i} Roses.”
Rose (10 yr old): ‘The powers that be…might kill 1, 2, or 3 roses, but they will never be able to stop the spring from coming.’

The Pool Problem
Reader: Is the universe a hologram?
T: I believe it is.
As William B. said it quite literally; You can find the universe in a grain of sand. Every portion of the universe contains some semblance of the whole of the whole universe.
M: That’s very profound. It is mind-boggling.
One thing you point out in a small footnote of your book; it doesn’t apply for many of the kinds of holographic images that are currently sold.
T: Yes, these plastic-stickers don’t require a laser light to become visible.
Every time I give a talk, someone comes up and says: Cut the hologram in your credit card in half! They’ve ruined their cc by doing so.
It only applies to images you cannot see with the naked eye. If you look at holographic film it resembles ripples in a pond unless you shine a laser light through it. There’s no decipherable image in the film, just mere ripples in a pond.

But, when you throw pebbles into this pond, something occurs. You see all sorts of small circles. These circles are called interference patterns. Drop II pebbles in a pond and the ripples criss-cross, that is exactly what you get in observing a holographic film. It’s the criss-crossing of the laser light, interfering with the rippled surface.
A hologram is built up Y-Fold.

I The laser
II Interference patterns
Y Perception
It can look so real hé! You want to reach out and touch it. * Reality & hologram are a Y-Fold manifest, As a concrete image, or as this sort of indecipherable blur of energy.

When you’re watching the magician J. on your 16K Screen. You see an image of his face encoded in two ways; One is as the concrete image displayed on the TV-Set; one is as the blur of radio waves [III RGB color-point signals] permeating the living room.

If the universe is a hologram in some sense, in some way it suggests that there may be two very drastically different levels to reality. The concrete reality we see, when we look at this chair, the trees and the clouds, and everything like that. Our bodies are just one way of manifesting reality on a deeper level.

There is another level of reality, where everything dissolves into an ocean of energy, holographically interconnected with the first level.
In each portion — the universe is contained — , in every tiny area we find the whole universe.
This implies a notion that we go about our everyday lives thinking of ourselves as separate from each other; the cup is separate from the coffee drifting in the cup.

D: These notions are superficial. Agent Cooper | Dougie Jones: [Tulpa]
M: They are really ~ artificial defined.

It’s a very interesting notion, because in our western-way of thinking we’re so attached to the idea; When we come up with a concept, like it’s an Apple or an electron or whatever you may call it, we presume it exists out there.

We forget we’re the fish, unaware of the water in which we swim. We forget the conceptual pigeonholes; the words & images to describe reality are phenomena inside our head, they’re not out there. Most of the time this dilemma ends up in aphilosophical quibble, when you really get down to it, to the quantum level.
This is one of the reasons D. came up {re-introduced} the holographic idea. It’s been discovered that if you take two subatomic particles, like electrons, in certain instances, when you do something to one it will always affect the other. No matter how far apart they are.
DM{Direct Msg}: Double-time
T: We cannot find a process known to physics that explains how these II could be sending a signal back and forth.

In fact, it would have to be faster than the speed of light. Their antennas would have to give an instantaneous signal. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity describes; You can’t have instantaneous signals, because it would mean you could violate the sweet time berry.
D: This is what we’ve done by observing subatomic particles. We assume that instantaneous communication is going on when that’s not really what’s going on.
M: A wrongly abstracted image lives in our head as the representative model of reality.
Pool Diving; M = [B]:[T]
M = [B]:[T] That’s why I explain it in a different way. If you imagine that you’ve got an aquarium with fish swimming in it.
I One camera facing the front of the aquarium.
II One camera facing the side of the aquarium.

You have a monitor attached to each camera.
Now you also imagine deeper. You come from a culture that’s never seen aquariums, never seen fish, never seen monitors or cameras. All you see are the two images on both screens.
Maybe you spot it, if you look focused and long enough at these two screens, you’re going to see the fish at a side view, and the fish on a frontal view at the same time.
Because you don’t know what the deeper reality is, the reality ~ aquarium, you may assume that these are two different objects, two separate fish.
But every time one fish moves one screen, the fish on the other is going to make a corresponding movement. You may then jump to the conclusion; somehow fish [I] is signalling fish [II], they are communicating to each other instantaneously.
Student M.: What if position is just a construct?
D.: Yes, I call this [non-locality of objects]
[Braque ~ Picasso]: What if you use multiple cameras? What if the aquarium has a crystalline shape?

M: Turn off №1 (the laser) [~] in the Y-Fold, and your precious time ~ crystal falls asleep.
Re-discovering Chinese cosmic duality
M: They got a bit too entangled don’t you think?
{DM}: Stuck in their prison grid.
D: Those two koi. [B. ~ P.], how to bring them back to a point… Twists them around one unifying point {E: gravitation}, creating a time machine!

M: Did {they} ever think about double-timing as a key-principle?
Double-Time Key
Group of physicists: We ❤ the standard model, that is our guide, we can make our calculations. You can add your own square if you’d come up with one.
Group of AI’s: Yes, we ❤ our predictions!
O: Never isolate 1 particle, else my predictions don’t work…

Pythogrean Gypsi: Change the resolution, double-time.
Quite W. Frankly physicist: Half-time?

M: Not Half-time.
M: Half-Time = Super symmetry, doubling the particles. This is not imaginative enough; you stay with the same problem of multiplying routes.

DnB DJ: Reverse it, the same recognizable beat, high-hats in between, but double the speed
Music Teacher 1: In double time there are still 4 beats per bar but there’s typically only one snare per bar which lands on the IIIrd beat. This is because in double time we’re dividing 1 bar in half which now gives us two bars, hence the name “double time”.
Music Teacher 2: If the bar originally goes 1–2–3–4 with accents on the 2 and 4 beats, the double time version goes 1 — & — 2 — & — 3 — & — 4 — & with accents on the ‘&’ symbols.
Music teacher 1 — & — 2: It seems too simple, but I think the idea of how relative it is, makes it more difficult to understand for a lot of people.
Physicist: Hahaha, that would be just too troubling to incorporate into a rational picture of reality. P: Let’s get back in our “constructed” 4/4 model.

Singular physicist: F*!!! Big ugly standard model, it’s getting bigger ever since its invention.
P-P: I hope we find something more elegant; 1 day.
Gala — & — Dali: These guys are just not so far, they still think we were just some jolly surrealist, nothing constructive in there, miles ahead.

L’Invention Collective
T: At a deeper level, what I call the holographic level of reality; every particle in the universe collapses to a cosmic unity.

They’re not signalling each other, it’s one fish.
Art teacher: The mermaid was really dead…the answer to the problem of the sea.

What that all means…When we talk about words, between electrons, between people. There’s no separation.
{DM}: There are fluctual constructions.
T: It has all kinds of very boggling implications.
Monumento cósmico; III-Fold Imaging
[~]: How could I get information out of your head into my head?

We try to grasp this process as some sort of signal going back and forth, but if we’re organized, if we live in an ordered universe, holographically organized, you no longer need to tackle this dilemma.

That way it could be that I have the entire universe; every neuron, every cell, every atom, every electron in my head, and you do also. So, when we can access that, we can access information that seems to be beyond our normal sensory reach.
Relay race (Hammer)

M: You know M | T I’m very interested in this data-transmitting-phenomenon. I want to touch on it.
T: Neuropsychologists Carl Pre. B provided an explanation for this data-transmitting-phenomenon. It is almost a bit of an embarrassment that he developed {re-discovered} the holographic model because he was trying to come to terms with something else; Memory.
M: Right so, let’s talk about that.
Sure, Carl scribben was working under a very famous neurophysiologist named Karl L. It was at a time we believed that memory was stored in a specific spot in the brain. There was something called the proverbial-grandmother-cell. People believed we literally contain a cell in our brain with the memory of our grandmother. What you knew about your grandmother.
They did a rather gruesome series of rat-experiments, especially for animal lovers. Nevertheless, it was a ground-breaking experiment, Carl found some very profound implications.

They took a group of rats and they taught them how to run mazes. They would surgically remove various portions of the brain and let the rats run the maze, again and again. His master Karl reasoned; if they found they could remove >
< the portion of the brain in the rat that contains the memory of the maze, it could no longer run the maze. The area of the brain where the maze running ability was encoded.
Now, every time they remove a different part of the brain. They discovered that they could never remove the memory of how-to-run the maze.

They impaired the rat’s physical ability, so it might limp through the maze, but they couldn’t remove the memory of the trajectory.
M: You know, surgeons have known this for a while, doctors have known this for a while, because when people have head injuries, they don’t forget half of the alphabet, half of their family or half of a novel.
They have global-memory-impairment. Their entire memory may be hazy, but memories don’t seem to be stored in our heads in the same way that books are stored on a shelf, and it wasn’t until the 60’s when © coined the holographic model; the whole is contained in every part.

C. expected that it may be what’s going on in the brain, specifically because a hologram is made from interference patterns. The hologram that we perceive is made from the interference-patterned-laser-light.
It can be made from the interference patterns, of any kind of energy, electromagnetic energy, even electric x-rays.
C: Our synapses are constantly giving off electrical impulses, proverbial pebbles dropping into the electromagnetic pool of our brain. They’re sending out ripples that are constantly criss-crossing. That’s what the brain hologram creates, that’s what leads us how we think, and how we remember. It is through that hologram inside our head.
T: it would apply in another sense too, because if you take a holographic image and cut it in half or in quarters, or in 10s, so each time you reduce it in size. The image becomes fuzzier and funnier, even though the whole image is there. Just the way memory seems to act.
X: Sometimes this memorized image becomes so fuzzy, it even becomes political.

It becomes fuzzy when you have portions of the brain removed.
M!G: Yeah, right!
Ketta mo peso
T.: C ~ M noticed that the same principle applied for visual information processing.
T: Yes, it’s very interesting. M. did make the discovery, but he came upon the research done by previous researchers.
Mr. X: That is another very interesting thing… As you know; mother nature uses all kinds of mathematical languages; when we try to grasp physical phenomena, we generally find that there’s some sort of mathematical underpinning to whatever the phenomena are. There are uncountable mathematical languages.

It turns out the mathematical language involved in the making of a hologram is a system of mathematics developed by French man F. They’re called Fourier transforms [FT].
It also turns out that our brain uses Fourier transforms to translate visual information, this is a very unusual situation.
S: It’s kind of like discovering Eskimo’s speaking Spanish.
T: You know it’s not proof that the brain is a hologram, but it is conjecturing it. It turns out, all our senses appear to rely on variations of the Fourier transforms. They all seem to use the same mathematics. Again, here’s F.’s evidence that the brain uses the same mathematics to decipher the sensory world as used to make a hologram. It’s not proof, a compelling unproven conjecture.
M: It suggests a new way of looking at consciousness.
It’s an interesting thing…
but I have to say, I differ a little with C.
[T]: He thinks that there are electrical interference patterns in the brain, such as the brain is the hologram.
T * M: I’m kind of a mystic, at a young age I had an out-of-the-box experience where I left my body. It became quite apparent to me, while I was having this experience that I was thinking; my brain is still positioned back in my body while I was floating above it. I knew it wasn’t just a dream, because I floated over the ground outside my family’s house, and I saw a book lying on the ground. It was a book by the French short story writer; ketta mo peso.
The next day…

Neighbor: By the way, M. I lost a library book by Guy de Maupassant, have you seen it?
I thought, ketta mo beso. Last night I floated over it.
I didn’t tell the neighbor that story, but there was the book, and I was always very,
I’m still very scientifically oriented.
I want to understand the world in scientific terms, but it was the first time that I sort of had to confront the overlap between these two worlds. This deeply held belief, scientific belief of the mind we analyse; the brain that’s doing the thinking.
“Lighting in a desert thunder-storm”
It’s struck me as a lighting-bolt in a desert thunderstorm; it isn’t the brain that’s doing the thinking.
I am not entirely certain that it’s just the electromagnetic interference patterns, the brain hologram data that defines us, because those obviously would perish when the brain perishes.
M: Interesting, I think there might be a sub-system of dimensional hierarchy at play, a subtler energy that we haven’t discovered with our latest technology.
Bones’ model is relevant & interesting at this point, because he’s dealing with the universe, a grand cosmic scheme made from electromagnetic interference patterns. He’s looking at quantum wave potentials at a much deeper level.
The monster has no clothes
M: I must say I’ve heard pre-pre-proms discuss it much the same way, long before. That there are quantum wave potentials in the brain itself, which is a deeper embedded level of energy and matter than the electromagnetic level of energy.
T: Right B. & B.
It’s a funny thing…
In science the great physicist Hermann called it the lure of completeness. When we tend to find some sort of outermost perimeter to what we can measure we assume there’s nothing beyond.
M: In ancient times when we only knew a certain portion of the world people always seemed to say beyond the edge of the map there’ll be monsters, that there was nothing.

T: Still today, the same thing is going on in physics. With our advanced technology we reached down to a certain level in reality where everything seems to get blurry, and it’s a common prejudice among many physicists that beyond that level nothing exists.
“There be monsters”.
There be monsters, or just endless void.
M: It’s an interesting thing that we have this lure of completeness, we must feel that our knowledge of the universe is all that exists in the universe.
T: D. thought more wisely. He kind of said; The emperor wears no clothes.
M: I would describe it as: The monster has no clothes.
It has no substantive-rational-basis. It’s just prejudiced that we assume nothing exists beyond this level of reality.
D: There are all kinds of domains of reality beyond this level, this microscopic level, and he theorizes that there may be untold uncountable subtle energies. In these levels the quantum potential is one, it’s a theorized field that has not {partly} been measured but not understood yet with science.
P. Higgs: {Peekaboo!}

Boson: I was hiding in the red room, behind the curtains of the standard model. ;)
Swami: Higgs B. {Boson} came to existence because the particle is evident to you, you created the means of knowing it. I think that I am, that was the realization, that what it started with. Not I think therefore I am, this is a postal construction, later concluded by Descartes.
Suppose I don’t think? — Anātman
{DM} to Jean P.: Cool kids — they haven’t constructed a model of ‘Object Permanence’ yet.
I wouldn’t say that I know it’s controversial, and the reason it’s controversial is because the standard explanation of quantum physics is headed once again into the lure of completeness, that there’s nothing beyond. Niels Bohr [co-founder of Quantum physics]: When you get down to a certain level of reality, things become blurry, and you can’t know anymore what you are perceiving.
Physicist: This is not a route, take the Bohr path!
DM{Direct Msg}: As much as I appreciate Bohr’s panoramic path, {i} take the short-cut.
M supporting D’s claim: Let me tell you a short-bedroom-story.
Once upon a time…I was walking through a desert, hills of endless sand.
I would have got lost if it wasn’t for the young mind-full guide who accompanied me.
I asked him: How do you know where to go? Do you have a compass? Do you use the stars to navigate?
The young guide answered: No Sir, nothing of all that.
M: But how do you know the route? It seems all the same-rippling-sand waves to me…
G.: I see more than you sir.
I grew up here, I walked around the desert thousands of times. There are these subtle variations, when you look closer, when you look longer. In the shape of the hills, the structure of the sand. That’s why I know where to go.

Inside the Pyramid
~: I do think it’s important to bring up the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, where physics comes full circle.
Physicists: There may be all kinds of stuff, but we’ll never know it because we interact with it in {Chronos} time. Anytime we attempt to look at particles beyond a certain level, the very act of observation changes things.
Jiddu: That brings us to a point where we realize; the distinction between subject and object breaks down.
Physicists: Ok, we admit; subject and object break down at a certain stage, but it has no effect in the real world. Not for us at least. ;)

M: There is creeping evidence in the scientific world that it translates through the level of our physical world. Helium cannot be frozen into solid-state. You can freeze hydrogen into solid-state, you can freeze carbon dioxide into solid-state, but helium does not. For Helium atoms to get aligned in solid-state it would violate the uncertainty principle. Nature doesn’t seem to allow that. No matter how cold helium gets, it remains a liquid.
“Unlike any other element, helium will remain liquid down to absolute zero at normal pressures. This is a direct effect of quantum mechanics: specifically, the zero-point energy of the system is too high to allow freezing. … At higher temperatures, helium will solidify with sufficient pressure.”
— Algorithmic summary
Alchemist: To solidify, there needs to be a corresponding pressure increase, with a projected density of: 0.187±0.009 g mL−1 at 0 K and 25 bar.

There’s a device called a squid, a sort of electrical coil in which we can demonstrate current.
Student: Which direction is the current going?
T: In the coil it’s going both directions at once, which is kind of an impossibility, but to simultaneously do that; this too can be called a quantum phenomenon.
M: Two realities are overlapping.
Scientists: I think we will cross that barrier of understanding this new realm soon.
Wooden Soldiers
M: I must admit, I’m not able to totally grasp the future implications of those examples, but the examples I would like to focus on seem more relevant in my field. The example that suggests the enormous ability of the mind to affect systems in the body, the placebo effect.
Carl: We’re thinking with holograms inside our head. The brain translates these waves in pictorial images. The princess doesn’t exist out there.

Super Abstraction: A room from which [you] get the image.
T: In essence we’re kind of a conscious screen. What we think is reality; we look out the window. Reality is just the image on the screen inside our mind. Therefore, there’s all kinds of evidence that we seem to respond to the models of reality in our head, rather than to the image out there.
[H] speaking to his army of wooden soldiers: March all the same distance!

March, March, Mars! Today 30km, Tomorrow 20km, Sunday 33.9 million miles.
H: Hence, repeat! M, M, M.
{The route was exactly 20km each day ;)}
F.: Older players showed me how to take the short-cut route. All the others thought we walked the same distance as the group, but we crossed-out half the route.
H: All the wooden soldiers marched the same distance at the end.
Physiological readings discovered that these wooden soldiers physiologically did not respond to the actual mileage they marched, but to what they had been told.
They responded to the model of reality that was projected in their mind. Later [H] expanded this model of project thoughts, which is a very powerful instrument, in a very effective way, to initiate the most gruesome actions in modern history.
Example: A woman who thought she might be infected by a virus called C. She felt sick and weak for weeks on. But after the general practitioner told her that her body made immune substances against the virus…guess what happened?
Doctor ;): She felt much better the next moment.
Iceman [Super Particles]
Iceman: Boom-Boom-Boom, get to know the power of controlling the behavior of your body. “Boom-Boom-Boom”. Give me whatever, I resist.
Challenge: Iceman, run a desert marathon!
Iceman: I went down to Namibia and ran a marathon with no prior training and did not drink.
Physiologist: What was remarkable was his core temperature remained 37 degrees.
Dehydrated? Yes, 5.2 liters dehydrated. Afterwards I drank some water and a couple of beers and I was fine.

T: Somehow this man had the ability to access a deep level of healing himself, no drugs. Here you can find an instance where he responded to an advanced model of reality in his head. A deep belief that he can resist the sensual pressures in the outside world, epiphenomenal imaging.
Tibetan Monk: The stories of this kind have been known to scientists for years, but they’ve kind of been dismissed as singular exceptional cases.
Scientists haven’t had a good way to look at how consciousness, to a certain extent, affects physical systems.
M: How does this relate to the holographic model?
T: We think of consciousness as an epiphenomenon; but if one considers that there are interference patterns, holographic images in the brain. We shape-up, to a certain level, ourselves.
Swiss Carl: Can these images also have an ancient archetypal nature?

T: It gives consciousness, as I hate to use the term mechanism, because I don’t think that’s quite the right term…It gives people a model in which they can begin to appreciate the role of consciousness more.
M: It can be applied in a reversed way, because if the universe is organized holographically …
T: We’ve always believed that there is no connection between the brain and the body.
སྤྲུལ་པ Monk: In the modern western tradition you mean.
Medical scientist in the West: In the past couple of decades, we’re starting to say: there’s a connection.
We’re sorting out certain pathways. Do you know about neuropeptides?
W: Neuropeptides are small protein-like molecules (peptides) used by neurons to communicate with each other. They are neuronal signalling molecules that influence the activity of the brain and the body in specific ways. Different neuropeptides are involved in a wide range of brain functions, including analgesia, reward, food intake, metabolism, reproduction, social behaviors, learning and memory.
T: That sort of thing.
If the holographic model is correct there are so many interconnections between the brain and the body. There ceases to be a division, so it becomes almost a moot-point to say; What is the pathway? How is the brain connected to the body?
Monk: Because difference disappears at close ~ far distance.
D: Just like there’s no difference between those two electrodes.
Take it a step further. There is no solid clear-cut distinction between us and the rest of the whole universe. This has profound implications on understanding our experiences.
Haystacks, Tobacco Smoke
Perhaps in the time remaining we should touch on more of those non-differing aspects.
~ : I’ve always been very interested in science, but I also grew up with a lot of artistic insights.
D: Mind over matter right, just the power of thought alone makes us connected.

M.: I painted border-less, continuing with the haystack as the compromised pattern of a warm sunny sky.

G.: For me, to move objects, maybe it bumps, it scatters, it is just an act of resonance of realizing that there’s no division between.
D: Between us.
M: Mmm…
Parallel Realities

Alien: Can we talk for a moment about parallel realities?
T: One of the exciting things about the holographic idea is that people have taken this and explored all different realms. Some mentioned the workings of acupuncture; it turns out that there are little micro-acupuncture-systems, where you can find the entire body in the acupuncture points of the ear.

We’ve talked about the placebo effect. […Scrambled] When they come back, they refer to this other level of reality with terms of frequency and energy, and even holograms.

M: A more plastic level of reality, where thought seems to create things instantly.
The mind can pull frequencies out of this ocean.
O : We’re entering deeper into the hologram when we temporarily leave our body. There are so many different areas at the fringes of our understanding.
T: We can now begin to look at it with new eyes.
M. Bot it’s been a pleasure to have you with me. For those of you looking, you may be interested in knowing that this discussion will be part of the 1st Dimensional Design Theory booklet available Christmas 2023, along with upcoming DD’s, going deeper into these questions. Thanks so much for being with me.
T.: My pleasure Jeffrey and thank you for being with us.

II — [T] : Holographic Puzzling {Pt. 1}# A conversation between [T] [M] [D] [M] & More in 2020, images copyright by M. This Science-Fiction Essay is based on past and current observations and is partly auto generated. M. Production Triple-A Society Published on 6.2020